Hosted by Kate Genevieve, Jackie Thoms and System Change Hive
Please join us for a Warm Data Lab on wellbeing at the ONCA gallery on October 17th.
Over the last weeks people all across the planet have protested for "Systems Change not Climate Change” and demanded significant changes in our societal systems to ensure wellbeing for ourselves and all species on the planet.
Can we hold the complexity of these issues in our communities?
The Systems Change Hive is a Brighton-based collective of creatives and communicators working with researchers, community groups and citizens to explore new socio-economic systems based on wellbeing. The programme of live events at the System Change Hive exhibition invites the wider community in to the Hive’s creative shared learning open space.
On Thursday we invite you to practice the Warm Data Lab method developed by Nora Bateson towards strengthening our collective ability to perceive, discuss and research complex issues.
Bring your perspectives, ideas, hopes and stories. And invite others too: the greater the diversity in the group, the more stories shape our experience of wellbeing. Anyone, of any age or profession can participate in a Warm Data Lab. From school children to executives, families and companies. Nobody needs to be an expert as wellbeing is something we all have a relationship to.
This particular conversation is held in solidarity with Warm Data Labs around the planet on the theme of “wellbeing” in Italy, Spain, Berlin, Germany, Sweden and the US. These Warm Data Labs have created necessary spaces of enquiry across the weeks of Climate strikes and protests to deepen learning and understanding of the wild complex issues of wellbeing.
Hosting the Brighton event are: Katharine Vega and Jackie Thoms. We look forward to diving in and sharing perspectives.
Image credit: Idil Bozkurt @chroma_space gh/chroma-space fb/ © 2025