
chroma.space is an art and research studio that explores ecological communication and the entanglement of inner and outer space through research, performance, and artworks. The studio is directed by Kate Genevieve.

Creative Studio

Since 2010, chroma.space has worked with ecologies, technologies and art science, exploring Video Mapping, Mixed and Virtual Realities, collaborating across disciplines, creating installations, performance and media art, outdoor and site-specific work, and designing, curating and facilitating events and creative programmes.

Drawing inspiration from research into more-than-human communication, our participatory projects explore the deep connections between mental, social, and environmental ecologies. Projects collaborate across disciplines to respond imaginatively to the climate emergency and issues of planetary justice, bringing in diverse perspectives, from dance and astrophysics, to neuroscience and systemic change.

Work is shown in diverse venues, including theatres, art galleries, outdoor spaces, online platforms, and unique site-specific installations. Notable exhibitions have been featured at NIMES, Flux Laboratory Geneva, Brighton Dome, London's Science Museum, ONCA Gallery, Dartington and FACT Liverpool. Additionally, chroma.space holds open labs, public events, workshops and programmes around the polycultures of ecology and technology and cosmo-imaginaries, emphasising the crucial role of feeling, sensing and perceiving together towards eco-social transformations.

Creative performance work encourages participation with new forms of collective solidarity and shared experience. By emphasising improvisation, somatic experience and non-verbal communication, we encourage audiences to venture beyond their comfort zones: see with fresh eyes, listen to different stories, and find new ways of being together and creating in uncertainty.

Explore chroma.space

Explore Current Work

TEDx Talk from chroma.space Director, Kate Genevieve

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